treehouse_ed wrote in spn_treehouse Sep 23, 2010 09:45
ed, deal with it, no magical gifs sorry sir, book learning, an anime peach, booze, art, oh fuck what now, busy busy busy, angels are bamfs, booze is great, booze is bad, angels are dicks, aww baby gonna cry, you know who needs to deal with it? urie, always be aware of side effects, children everywhere, babies love liquor right, oh dear, awesome ideas, babies babies babies, ed is a fairy prince, deal with it uriel, babies are cuter than kitties
th_maggie wrote in spn_treehouse Aug 10, 2010 00:51
ed, ava, patrick has mad skillz, how is babby formed, ed is the best brother, patrick accidentally in my base, baby on board, wtf is this shit, maggie, baby makes three, patrick does not have mad skillz, i don't even know, cirque du friggin pregnant, zeddmores are the best siblings, maggie/patrick 4eva, zeddmores do it best, babies love liquor right, idk if you know but this sucks, maggie came back different, patrick is hot fyi, patrick, maggie + patrick = sexual, fml x10000000000, patrick is potent, surprise!baby is surprising, wtf